Quick start for advanced user

Here, you’ll find straightforward tutorial how to quickly started with the wplifecycle application.

Welcome to our Quick Start tutorial! In this guide, you’ll quickly learn how to set up your account, install the WordPress plugin, integrate your API keys, and gain a brief overview of how to navigate and use the application. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, this tutorial is designed to get you up and running in no time. Let’s get started!

Quick Start guide

1. Create new account.
  1. Go to our register page here or with the link below. Enter your details and click register. Make sure to use strong password.
  2. Go to your email and click the confirmation link from the wplifecycle email that was sent.
  3. Congrats! Your new account is now redy and you can now login to the application

Register page link:

2. Login to the application

Now that you have created your account succesfully you can login to the application here or with the link below.

2. Quick overview of the application

Here is an overview of the application main page/windows is the “websites” tab that is open in the picture below. Here you can see all of your websites and you can add, delete, update and add details to your websites.

2.1 Users page

In users page you can add more users to manage your websites, employees for examble.

2.2 Assign Websites

Assign websites page is where you can assign different websites to your employees for examble you can add few websites to different employees to keep track of.

2.3 Payments Plans

In the Payment Plans page you can choose your plan that suits best for your needs. Picture below.

3. Download the wordpress plugin

You need a wordpress plugin installed to your wordpress websites that it works with the wplifecycle application. Simply download the plugin here or link below. You can also find the download link at the “Subsciption & API keys” tab under the API-Key.

4. Adding the API key

Once you have downloaded the wordpress plugin make sure to install it like any other wordpress plugin by the zip file or find it inside the wordpress plugin finder. After that simply add the API key to the plugins settings page and you are done! You can find the API key in the Subscriptions & API keys tab inside the wplifecycle application

4. Add and check your website in the applicaiton

Now navigate to the wplifecycle applications main window “Websites” tab. Now you can add the websites to your application if you have not done it alredy after that if all went good you should see your wordpress site in the website list

5. Updating a website

By cliking the update websites button it will get updated data from all of your websites. It will pop a green info box up and tell if all of the websites were succesfully updated.

  1. Click on the “Update Websites” Button
  2. Check what the prompt says if everything was good it will says “Websites updated”

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